AT command ini dapat berfungsi apabila ESP8266 sudah terinstall firmware ESP8266 yang support AT firmware. Modul ESP8266 yang beredar di pasaran biasanya sudah terinstall AT firmware ini secara default. Untuk mengetahui apakah firmware pada ESP8266 Kalian sudah terinstall AT Command, kalian bisa cek menggunakan Instruksi perintah AT+GMR seperti pada gambar di bawah ini .
Baca juga : Pembahasan lengkap Modul ESP8266
Jenis perintah dasar AT Command pada ESP8266
Tipe | Format instruksi | deskripsi |
Test | AT+<….>=? | Query perintah Set atau parameter internal dan nilai rentangnya. |
Query | AT+<….>? | Mengembalikan nilai saat ini dari parameter. |
Set | AT+<….>=<…> | Mengatur nilai parameter yang ditetapkan pengguna dalam perintah. |
Execute | AT+<….> | Menjalankan atau mengeksekusi perintah |
#catatan : tidak semua versi AT firmware menerapkan/kompatibel dengan semua inst
ruksi ini
Secara garis besar, Instruksi AT Command di bagi menjadi 3 bagian :
Instruksi Dasar AT Command
Instruksi | Deskripsi |
AT | Test AT startup |
AT+RST | Restart module |
AT+GMR | View version info |
AT+GSLP | Enter deep-sleep mode |
ATE | AT commands echo or not |
AT+RESTORE | Factory Reset |
AT+UART | UART configuration, |
AT+UART_CUR | UART current configuration |
AT+UART_DEF | UART default configuration, save to flash |
AT+SLEEP | Sleep mode |
AT+RFPOWER | Set maximum value of RF TX Power |
AT+RFVDD | Set RF TX Power according to VDD33 |
Instruksi Fungsi WIFI AT Command
Instruksi | Deskripsi |
AT+CWMODE | Wi-Fi mode(sta/AP/sta+AP) |
AT+CWMODE_CUR | Wi-Fi mode(sta/AP/sta+AP) |
AT+CWMODE_DEF | Wi-Fi default mode(sta/AP/sta+AP) Save to Flash |
AT+CWJAP | Connect to AP |
AT+CWJAP_CUR | Connect to AP, won’t save to Flash |
AT+CWJAP_DEF | Connect to AP, save to Flash |
AT+CWLAPOPT | Set the configuration of command AT+CWLAP |
AT+CWLAP | Lists available APs |
AT+CWQAP | Disconnect from AP |
AT+CWSAP | Set configuration of ESP8266 soft-AP |
AT+CWSAP_CUR | Set configuration of ESP8266 soft-AP Won’t save to Flash. |
AT+CWSAP_DEF | Set configuration of ESP8266 soft-AP Save to Flash |
AT+CWLIF | Get station’s IP which is connected to ESP8266 soft-AP |
AT+CWDHCP | Enable/Disable DHCP |
AT+CWDHCP_CUR | Enable/Disable DHCP, won’t save to Flash |
AT+CWDHCP_DEF | Enable/Disable DHCP, save to Flash |
AT+CWDHCPS_CUR | Set IP range of DHCP server, won’t save to Flash |
AT+CWDHCPS_DEF | Set IP range of DHCP server, save to Flash |
AT+CWAUTOCONN | Connect to AP automatically when power on |
AT+CIPSTAMAC | Set MAC address of ESP8266 station |
AT+CIPSTAMAC_CUR | Set MAC address of ESP8266 station Won’t save to Flash. |
AT+CIPSTAMAC_DEF | Set MAC address of ESP8266 station Save to Flash. |
AT+CIPAPMAC | Set MAC address of ESP8266 soft-AP |
AT+CIPAPMAC_CUR | Set MAC address of ESP8266 soft-AP Won’t save to Flash. |
AT+CIPAPMAC_DEF | Set MAC address of ESP8266 soft-AP Save to Flash. |
AT+CIPSTA | Set IP address of ESP8266 station, |
AT+CIPSTA_CUR | Set IP address of ESP8266 station Won’t save to Flash. |
AT+CIPSTA_DEF | Set IP address of ESP8266 station Save to Flash. |
AT+CIPAP | Set IP address of ESP8266 soft-AP, |
AT+CIPAP_CUR | Set IP address of ESP8266 soft-AP Won’t save to Flash. |
AT+CIPAP_DEF | Set IP address of ESP8266 soft-AP Save to Flash. |
AT+CWSTARTSMART | Start SmartConfig |
AT+CWSTOPSMART | Stop SmartConfig |
AT+CWSTARTDISCOVER | Start the mode that ESP8266 can be found by WeChat |
AT+CWSTOPDISCOVER | Stop the mode that ESP8266 can be found by WeChat |
AT+WPS | Set WPS function |
AT+MDNS | Set MDNS function |
Instruksi TCP/IP AT Command
Instruksi | Deskripsi |
AT+ CIPSTATUS | Get connection status |
AT+CIPSTART | Establish TCP connection, UDP transmission or SSL connection |
AT+CIPSSLSIZE | Set the size of SSL buffer |
AT+CIPSEND | Send data |
AT+CIPSENDEX | Send data, if or “” is met, data will be sent |
AT+CIPSENDBUF | Write data into TCP-send-buffer |
AT+CIPBUFRESET | Reset segment ID count |
AT+CIPBUFSTATUS | Check status of TCP-send-buffer |
AT+CIPCHECKSEQ | Check if a specific segment is sent or not |
AT+CIPCLOSE | Close TCP/UDP/SSL connection |
AT+CIFSR | Get local IP address |
AT+CIPMUX | Set multiple connections mode |
AT+CIPSERVER | Configure as server |
AT+CIPMODE | Set transmission mode |
AT+SAVETRANSLINK | Save transparent transmission link to Flash |
AT+CIPSTO | Set timeout when ESP8266 runs as TCP server |
AT+CIUPDATE | Upgrade firmware through network |
AT+PING | Function PING |
AT+CIPDINFO | Show remote IP and remote port with “+IPD” |
#catatan : untuk instruksi yang memiliki _DEF artinya konfigurasi akan tersimpan pada flash memori, sehingga ketika esp8266 di reset konfigurasinya tidak akan hilang. Sedangkan instruksi yang memilki _CUR ketika di esp8266 di reset konfigurasinya akan hilang.